
If you ever think to ask, 'Vivian, what are you doing now?', this is where you will find my answer. This page is inspired by Derek Sivers, whose intentional decisions I find extremely moving.

As for me, I am...

Waking up at 4.30am

I have come to accept that the only way I will ever have some alone time is if I go to sleep early and wake up early. Unless I am held hostage by my night owl boyfriend, you will find me in bed with my kid at 7.30pm. That way, I can afford to do almost all the things that I need to do for my sanity's sake in the morning and not feel like a zombie throughout the day. Things like meditation, shower, a cup of coffee, read a book, journal, etc. Before having to make lunchboxes, before leaving the house.


So I am a student again! I started in summer 2023. All my classes are in Danish. I am studying Danish (literature), social studies, biology, psychology, math and film. The hardest part, which is acclimatising to the language, is fortunately over. I enjoy studying, and am good at it, but sometimes it can feel like I am just jogging in a hamster wheel.

Struck by the meaninglessness of life

(...) I am finally at a place where I have everything that I possibly want and need. Love, self-trust, health, productivity, boundaries, energy, enough money, friends... Everything is as good as it can be. But what is the point? What is the point of living? Am I experiencing existential nihilism? Maybe. But right now, life seems to be a bunch of grocery trips, and then we die.

Well, yeah. Sorry. Welcome to my life. I hope you'll stay?

My homebase.

Updated December 5th, 2023, from Fyn, Denmark.

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