Life Updates

Hello. I just recovered from the worst stomach cramps ever. If labour contractions, period cramps and constipation had a threesome, then I just babysat their lovechild. For four days. Ouch.

It was like I got stabbed from within, mostly on the left side of my belly. The pain was so intense that I was not able to move. I am still not sure if it was my period that caused it, because I normally don't experience any menstrual cramps. I will keep a close eye on how I feel when I bleed next month. 

I have been cutting myself a lot of slack because of a few things that are happening in my life right now. I am not sure who is reading my blog, but there seems to be a small group of you returning every week? I imagined your disappointment when you checked back on Sunday, to find that there had not been a new post. Sorry! All I have to offer is this very late post, on a Thursday, with these random details about myself:

1) Moving house

We are two weeks from moving into our new home! That is unreal. My husband and I have been basically living on Facebook Marketplace. We bought a washing machine, sofa and dining set on there. All second-hand. 

If you have been following me on Instagram, you might have seen all the various dining sets that we looked at, including those two beautiful ones that we missed out on. The one that we ended up getting was exactly what we wanted, at less than 20% of our dining set budget. 

Better yet, it was located 5-10 minutes away from where we live now. That was so lucky, because otherwise we would have to spend a ton of money driving to-and-fro Denmark for the pick up.

I am now sick of having my eyes glued to my phone, but my husband is still sending me stacks of items to look at. I will procrastinate on that. 

2) Marriage

I had a big fall out with my husband last week. In my last, desperate attempt to communicate to him, I wrote him a 6-page letter. It had three distinct components: money, our family and the new house.

I typed it on the computer, printed it out, stapled the pages together and placed it where he would see it. I expected him to ignore it, but he read it and thanked me for taking the time to write it. We discussed some of the things in the letter. Our relationship improved. 💑

3) Baths

My daughter and I have been enjoying these fun shower baths every alternate day. She jumps at the chance of having a bath with Mummy, because she enjoys 'swimming' by herself at the end. I don't blame her. 😅

We won't have a bathtub in our new house, so I am taking every opportunity to soak in the one that we have got.

4) Not making videos

My videos have taken a backseat because of the move. I am glad that I managed to upload all 25 vlogmas videos. Hooray. I am currently sitting on my sad birthday footage, but I am actually pretty excited about getting that done someday. It is going to be good.

I have got a newfound appreciation for my YouTube channel. That is, it shall not be something that robs me of the time that I need to be me. It shall not be an endless hamster wheel. It is to be a forgiving window to the outside world, to my friends in Singapore that care about me, to my future friends that I have not yet met. It is a place for me to honestly share what I am going through - no different from this blog. 

I have been tracking my bedtime since the start of 2022. There hasn't been any 5 to 8AM, because I have chosen sleep over making videos. I think my future self would thank me for that. 😉

5) Monopoly

I have this sudden desire to play Monopoly again. My daughter is too young to play it with me, so the board game would not cut it. I downloaded the demo version onto my Nintendo Switch Lite, but it only gave me 30 minutes of gameplay. I am about to buy the PC version of Monopoly, but I thought I would write this first.

This post isn't the usual philosophical/insightful blog post. Maybe the next one. Wishing you some of my child's kindness and patience. Peace 🙏


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